Investment Promotion ES

GDP Global offers a comprehensive range of consulting and representation services to international investment promotion agencies. We take the view that results can only be achieved when the objectives are realistic and the approach is carefully structured. Our customised services are centred in the key areas such as:

We are frequently involved in market research and agency benchmarking work prior the building of a new investment promotion strategy.

This is the main service our IPA clients seek. After identifying priority sectors we create databases of potential investors and search for companies looking for the opportunities to expand into other markets. We approach only those companies where the match with the client’s regional strengths is strong. We meet with the decision makers in those companies and/or arrange direct meetings for our clients.

We arrange one-to-one and larger meetings with potential corporate investors in your priority sectors. We also organise visits to major European trade shows, conferences as well as with investors and intermediaries.

We offer our staff and office for use as our client’s European or UK office and information point.

We help clients to devise cost-effective advertising campaigns. We also arrange for press conferences and individual press briefings in order to create valuable media coverage.

For many of our clients we organise customised training programmes. For more details on training, please see our Training Pages.

Missions are one of the most important tools to attract investors. However, their effectiveness depends on meticulous prospecting and qualification of investors, a prior contact to generate/detect interest in the value proposition, and advance knowledge of the key aspects that meetings must address.

GDP Global has unsurpassed experience of these crucial methods of engagement, and has developed an integrated suite of tools to help you leverage your missions to utmost advantage.

Our solutions will enable you to successfully plan and prepare for your missions, including the identification and qualification of potential investors, establishing contact to confirm interest, identifying critical aspects of relationship-building and constructing meeting agendas.